All actors hand hands to the paw to find effective solutions to deal with the health crisis. Despite the coronavirus vaccine that is already on the market, respect for barrier gestures is always mandatory and the razer firm of one of the contributors to contain the spread of the virus. She initiated to do this, the Hazel project, a high tech mask smart.
Project Description Hazel
Last January, on the occasion of the great High Tech Show, the Razer Group announced the idea of creating a mask of the future. A prototype of the mask had then been presented and it could be noted that it was different from the surgical model that we are used to use quite often. Eh yes! It could be seen that the Hazel mask was much more transparent with LEDs at the front.
This mask is an extraordinary model made from a rigid and transparent fabric, leaving the lips to speak freely without great gene. The interlocutor can see the smile and gestures of the mouth. The developers of this High Tech mask specified that it will integrate algorithms to treat and improve the volume of the voice.
Other impressive features of the mask
The new joujou of the firm works also to optimize breathing and ventilation for the Hazel mask. Indeed, it seems that the object embarks two fans that can bring a flow of modular and clean air that will be stripped by 95% of the particles of the immediate environment. Likewise, the fans will also escalate the fog created by the mouth, which invades the glasses.
In addition, the Hazel mask also integrates an intelligent self-sterilization system. It will be powered by an autonomous and wireless UV device, in order to annihilate the batteries and / or microorganism present on the mask. According to, the CEO of the Razer Group, the intelligent mask will be marketed within a few months. It remains to be seen whether this new toy will be affected by the populations.
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